Thursday, November 26, 2020

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Throwback Thursday

Remembering our Gypsy - she was one Cool Cat!


Sunday, April 12, 2020


...the strangest Easter I have ever seen and I've been around for a while. 

The Covid-19 virus is hitting every part of the world, and yet here, in my Corner of the Globe, we are well. Although my elderly Aunt passed away, and we could not be with her for her final moments, seven of us [nieces and nephews] gathered at her graveside to give her the best farewell we could in these times. We maintained the 6-foot-distance rule and are otherwise engaging in sensible social distancing practices.

Staying at home is no punishment to me - I love being here. So much goes on at a micro-level that there are no dull moments in my life. Others are having to follow suit now, and they seem to be making the most of the situation, I am glad to report.

So today is Easter. And here is a photo of some delightful Easter Chicks that were lovingly knitted for a certain grandson and left on his doorstep - 

May this ol' world be as brave in this crisis as other generations have been in the challenges they faced. Love to all, and Happy Easter!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Two days after our little snow flurry...

...THIS is happening. 
         Spring has sprung already?? 
                 Is Spring here to stay?

                                - Forsythia -  

                              - Carolina Jasmine - 

                               - Star-of-David -

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Snowing in My Corner!

We don't see a lot of snow these days, so when it appears
we get pretty excited. Ultimate accumulation = 1 inch

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

New Year, New Projects!

Happy New Year! 

I will begin several projects in 2020, including a new writing project (more about that in days to come). But there will be no writing at my favorite work place today - it's a little chilly at 30° F.

...although this was my work-view during a previous spring

...this is the view today and for the foreseeable future

My townhome is located next to the old Robinson farm. Mr & Mrs Robinson now reside in greener pastures, and their son has moved to assisted living. The home place has been demolished, and the 100-year-old oak tree, in which a family of Hawks made their home, has been removed. Alas - construction on new townhomes will follow.

I love My Corner of the Globe so much that I know other folks will inevitably want to make their homes here as well. I do miss seeing the Hawks fly over me to their nest, though. But I still hear them. Perhaps they've resettled themselves to another nearby ancient oak.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Another Christmas for the books...

No, really. 
Christmas with Jackson is all about the books
[oh, and dinosaur feet, too]